If you are one of the millions of Windows users who are searching for ways to stream live TV over the internet, then you should check out the free-software TV-Fox. This software is designed to stream live TV over the Internet to your PC or even your television set. I have been a big fan of free software for years and I have been using the free version of this software for a long time now and it works great. The only thing that I am not 100% sure about is that it works with Windows because my PC is using a version of Windows that is very old. I am sure that with some new software that is in the works, the software should work with newer versions of Windows.
I have not used any other free software for watching live TV and I am glad that I have. I have seen some great stations online and I have been able to watch local news and weather channels online. If you are someone who likes to watch live TV online, this software is definitely the right one for you. There are many programs out there that will allow you to download the software, but this software allows you to download it for free and stream live TV online without any extra costs.